Local Place Plan


Information is available to help you think about and prepare a Local Plan Place.

There is no specific funding available to prepare Local Place Plans. There are however funding sources and charities whose criteria and work focus is on improving local areas through community-led initiatives.

It is important to be realistic about how you produce your Local Place Plan and what it will look like.

You will need support from people who can lead on certain aspects for example,

  • communication
  • engagement
  • producing the plan.

As Local Place Plans are community led, we can’t be directly involved. However, we can provide some guidance as you need it. There are organisations that can help with producing a Local Place Plan, but this option will depend on whether you have a budget or not.

The Place Standard tool can help you to engage with your community and structure conversations as you develop your plan.

If you are a community council, the Community Map Scotland has been developed to help Scottish community councils create their Local Place Plans. The software is initially provided free for one year for any community council group. Community councils can sign up to be part of the Community Map Scotland project free.

Census data and area overviews provides detailed census data and overviews by area. Datashine Scotland provides mapped census data. 

Our GIS Atlas holds planning and environmental information on every area within the City of Edinburgh boundary on a map base.