Local Place Plan

Producing a Local Place Plan

As Local Place Plans need to be community led, any properly constituted community body can produce one.

A community body can relate to a place or it could be a community of interest.

Each plan should cover the community’s proposals for the development and use of land and could include:

  • Changes to planning policy.
  • Identifying appropriate brownfield and greenfield sites for development.
  • Proposals for how a site should be developed, including the types of uses, how the  development should look, how it connects with the surrounding area.
  • Areas or things that you want to protect, like open space, playing fields, historic buildings, shops or local employment.
  • Things you think are missing which would make the place better, like certain types of housing, shops or services, local employment, paths and connections between different areas, access to public transport or community facilities.
  • Problems in your community which planning could address, such as flooding, lack of suitable housing, limited food growing spaces.

There are some limits to Local Place Plans.

They must have regard to the National Planning Framework 4 and City Plan 2030 (once adopted). The proposed development sites and policies in the approved City Plan 2030 can’t be changed by a Local Place Plan.

They need to be realistic – they can’t be a wish list of things that you would like but there is no chance of finding funding for.

They can’t address local issues that are important to the community but are not planning related, for example, littering, dog fouling and public transport timetables.They should be as based in planning as possible.