Support for families

Domestic abuse

A family of two adults and two children smiling at the camera.

For information and advice visit the Domestic abuse page.

Edinburgh Women’s Aid

Women’s Aid offers support to women and children experiencing domestic abuse and offers practical and emotional support, information and advice.

For more information email call 0131 315 8110.

Shakti Women's Aid

Shakti Women's Aid supports BME women and children experiencing domestic abuse. Monday to Friday between 9.30 am and 5 pm.

For more information visit the Shakti's Women's Aid website email or call 0131 475 2399.

Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage 24-hour helpline

This is a helpline for women experiencing domestic abuse or forced marriage and their friends and family. Translation facilities are available for callers whose first language is not English.

For more information visit the Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline.

For the helpline call 0800 027 1234. To use the messaging service Text/WhatsApp 074012 88595 or email

Freephone National Domestic Abuse 24-hour helpline

This helpline offers support to women experiencing domestic abuse and their friends and family. Translation facilities are available for callers whose first language is not English.

For more information call 0808 200 247

Men’s Advice Line

This is a support service for men experiencing domestic abuse. The service can be accessed by

  • Calling the helpline number 0808 801 0327, Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm 
  • Emailing Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm 
  • By Webchat on Wednesdays between 10 am and 11.30 am and Thursdays between 2 pm and 4 pm. For more information visit the Men's Advice Line UK website.


FearFree is a support service, available in Edinburgh, for men and LGBT+ people who have experienced domestic abuse.

To make a referral visit the FearFree website.

For more information call 0131 624 7270 or email