Leith Connections

Project overview

We are changing streets in Leith with new community spaces and making it more comfortable for anyone walking, wheeling or cycling, and providing better connections to

  • protected cycle lanes on Leith Walk
  • the North Edinburgh Path Network
  • the Water of Leith path
  • Quiet Route 10 (Leith to Portobello)
  • Seafield Road shared use path to Portobello
  • the new tram stops at Foot of the Walk and Shore
  • existing bus services.

By removing non-residential through traffic and creating new active travel routes it will

  • make streets more liveable
  • improve streets and make roads safer for everyone
  • create a more attractive environment with new public realm spaces.

Map outlining the full area where Leith Connections improvements will be introduced. From Seafield Road, to Lindsay Road and Foot of the Walk.

Why we are delivering Leith Connections

Leith residents have raised concerns about intrusive traffic levels and speeding vehicles on certain streets over several years. We have used these views to help us develop the plans.

The project builds on our

The project will also help us to deliver our Local Development Plan Action Programme.

Read more about Leith Connections in the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee report on 2 March 2023. 

Other benefits and impacts

Air pollution

The Council is prioritising measures to help people walk, wheel, cycle and use public transport over private cars as a key way to reduce air pollution. Evidence from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in other parts of the country has shown that, over time, the number of households exposed to illegal levels of pollutants has significantly reduced. 


Anyone who cannot walk, wheel or cycle still has the choice to use a private car, taxi or public transport. As there will be less vehicles on the road it may also be easier for people who need to use their cars. Private car access for all addresses will be maintained.

Data shows that people with disabilities are more likely to be injured by a motor vehicle than able bodied persons. By reducing vehicle numbers and speeds we want to make sure all members of the community can travel safely around their community.

We are consulting with local groups, including the Edinburgh Access Panel and individual residents to make sure that there is no adverse impact on access for disabled residents. 

Please email us if you have specific concerns


See our integrated impact assessment (IIA).

Local shops and businesses

We will make sure that everyone can access all premises, including shops and businesses. This might mean taking a different route for shoppers, staff or deliveries travelling by vehicle. There is a great deal of research that shows that walking and cycling is good for local high streets. This has found that people who walk and cycle visit their high streets more often as journeys can be made without having to think about parking or traffic.

Improvements to our public spaces have also been shown to increase retail sales as people who walk to the high street tend to visit more shops and stay longer.

Photo of street artwork in Leith as part of Leith Connections project.



Leith Connections logo

Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.