Digital tools for Council colleagues

How to use your own device

In addition to accessing your Council Microsoft Teams, Outlook and OneDrive accounts on your Council computer, you can also set these up on your own Android or Apple mobile device or even access them in a browser on your personal computer.

This will give you more ways to

  • view and edit your documents
  • arrange and join online meetings
  • access your calendar
  • chat and interact with colleagues.

This is especially useful if you’re having issues with remote access or you don’t have access to your work computer, phone or tablet.

Installing apps on your own device

If you haven’t already set up multifactor authentication (MFA), you’ll have to do this before you install any of these apps.

You can install Teams on most versions of Android and Apple phones and tablets using the following guides:

To install Outlook and OneDrive mobile apps on these devices, the process is similar so it’s best if you install Teams first. You can also install Word, PowerPoint and Excel mobile apps should you need them. Please note that you only need to install the Company Portal app on Android devices and once only.

Accessing apps on the web on your own device

You can also access Teams, Outlook and OneDrive on your browser on your personal Windows or Mac device using Microsoft365 and your username ( and password. You will need to have set up MFA first. Once logged in to the Microsoft365 portal you can access the applications by clicking on the app launcher icon on the top left (nine dots in a square).

Personal data and security

When you set up your first app, you’ll be asked to register your device. This information is only needed to manage these Council apps rather than control your whole device.

Registration is used to identify the device and it won't gather phone number, messages, photos, IMEI / serial, app data and inventory - it can’t access your data.

Installing these apps on your phone for Council business is voluntary and in no way do the Council expect you to install and use them if you don’t want to.

Please read the use your own device standard before making use of this facility.


If you have issues or need support with any of these tools contact the ICT service desk on

0800 085 7232.