Parenting courses for help with ages 6 to 10 years

Primary Triple P can help you manage your 6 to 10 year old child’s behaviour

Primary Triple P courses for parents and carers of 6 to 10 years olds take place over 8 weeks. The courses can help you to have a stronger relationship with your child and promote good behaviour in your family.

They explore ways to manage problems such as

  • aggression
  • tantrums
  • shouting
  • answering back
  • refusing to follow rules.

Dates, venues and prices

Courses run in term time, during the day and in the evening.

Courses are free and are currently run online or at venues throughout Edinburgh. We can discuss what suits you best when you apply.

Find out about Primary Triple P and parenting courses.


Primary Triple P is for parents and carers of children 6 to 10 years old.

You must commit to the whole 9 week programme

Apply for Primary Triple P