Council responds to memorial bench burning

Following reports of memorial benches being burned rather than recycled, an investigation is underway.

Images have been published in the media of a set of decommissioned memorial benches being burned.

A Council spokesperson said: "We have a very clear policy in place to decommission benches respectfully when they reach the end of their life.  This involves storing the benches and plaques and reaching out to donors to discuss future arrangements and this was correctly followed.

"Standard practice is to recycle the parts of the benches which can be reused and very regrettably this part of the process was not followed. An investigation is underway to understand why this has happened and appropriate action will be taken."

If a seat is deemed to be damaged beyond repair, the commemorative plaque is removed and stored until it can be returned to the donor should they wish. The donor is contacted and offered the opportunity to purchase a new metal seat (or the wooden model if the original seat was situated in either Princes Street Gardens, Saughton Park or the City Chambers Quadrangle).

In the event of the Council being unable to contact a donor, the seat is removed and stored for 12 months. If contact cannot be established and the donor or any other associated person does not respond or contact the Council within this time, the seat is decommissioned and salvageable parts recycled.


Published: January 18th 2020