Health and Safety: First Aid for Babies and Children 0-8 years - CPD directory

Course title
Health and Safety: First Aid for Babies and Children 0-8 years
Course code
1 day
Target audience
All staff working with babies and children (0-8 years)
Heather Moss email
Green Cross Training Ltd
Dates, times and venues
18 January 2024, 0900 - 1630, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

19 January 2024, 0900 - 1630, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

23 February 2024, 0900 - 1630, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

21 March 2024, 0900 - 1630, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

22 March 2024, 0900 - 1630, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court
Link to venue map
Aims and outcomes
To provide staff with an understanding of first aid treatment for babies and young children.
To cover the areas of first aid that are most likely to arise with children up to the age of 8 years.
To give clear and concise guidance and training on what to do in the event of an emergency situation.
Accidents in the home, nursery, and preschool.
Recovery position.
CPR and treatment for shock.
Disorders of breathing.
Disorders of consciousness.
Wounds and bleeding.
Injuries to bones and soft tissue.
Burns and scalds.
Miscellaneous conditions.
Further information
The certificate for successful completion of this course is valid for 3 years.
There should be at least one trained First Aider available in all establishments with babies and young children.
Participants should wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for practical exercises.
Please note that lunch will not be provided. There is a cafe available on site to purchase lunch.
Book as a Council employee
Book as a non CEC employee