Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work Babies and Children (0-8yr.) combined course CF2971 - CPD directory

Course title
Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work Babies and Children (0-8yr.) combined course CF2971
Course code
1 day
Target audience
Candidates who require a certificate for both Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work for Babies and Children (0-8 years)
Heather Moss email Heather.Moss@edinburgh.gov.uk
Green Cross Training Ltd
Dates, times and venues
5 February 2024, 0900-1700, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

6 February 2024, 0900-1700, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

6 March 2024, 0900-1700, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court

7 March 2024, 0900-1700, Fitness Studio, Courtyard Level, Waverley Court
Link to venue map
Understanding the role and responsibilities of the First Aider.
Be able to assess an emergency situation safely.
Be able to provide first aid for an adult, child and infant who is unresponsive and breathing normally.
Be able to provide first aid for an adult, child and infant who is suffering a seizure.
Be able to provide first aid for an adult, child and infant who is unresponsive and not breathing normally.
Be able to place AED pads correctly.
Understand how to provide first aid to an adult, child and infant who is suffering from shock.
Be able to provide first aid for an adult, child and infant with external bleeding.
Be able to manage an adult, child and infant with minor injuries including bites and stings.
Be able to recognize an adult, child and infant who is choking.
Be able to manage an adult, child and infant with minor burns and scalds.
Further information
This course leads to two qualifications

Candidates need to attend the whole training session and be involved in all aspects of the course as they will be continually assessed throughout. The final hour focusses specifically on first aid for babies and children.

Pre-Course Preparation:
There is no requirement to complete any pre-course work although if you are new to first aid you are encouraged to visit this interactive website site to experience what will be required on the day www.life-saver.org.uk.

Additional Support:
Parts of the course require reading and IT skills. If you require any additional support with your learning please contact learninganddevelopment@edinburgh.gov.uk prior to the start of the course to let us know about your needs.
Book as a Council employee
Book as a non CEC employee
email learninganddevelopment@edinburgh.gov.uk