Child Protection: Specific Contact Workforce (Level 2) for new education staff (online) - CPD directory

Course title
Child Protection: Specific Contact Workforce (Level 2) for new education staff (online)
Course code
3 hours
Target audience
Teaching staff who are new to Edinburgh Council working directly with children and/or their families
Leeanne Turner email Tel 469 3310
Laura Brown; Leeanne Turner
Dates, times and venues
19 January 2024, 1245-1545, TEAMS Online

1 March 2024, 1245-1545, TEAMS Online
Aims and outcomes
By the end of course participants will:
- understand and be able to apply relevant legislation and guidance.
- understand their role.
- understand issues of consent and confidentiality.
- understand effects of different types of abuse/neglect on development and behaviour.
- be able to contribute to assessing and managing risk with vulnerable families.
- be able to contribute to case conferences and other child protection meetings
Update on policies, procedures and legislation.
Case studies - thresholds.
Role of education in child protection.
Assessment of risk.
Impact of internet and other technologies
Book as a Council employee
Book as a non CEC employee