City Plan 2030

We have prepared Edinburgh’s proposed new local development plan called City Plan 2030. The proposed City Plan 2030 sets out the strategy for development, proposals and policies to shape, development and inform planning decisions in the city over the next 10 years and beyond.

Resolution to Adopt City Plan 2030 as modified

We have considered the recommendations of the Scottish Government report of examination published on 5 April 2024 and have prepared a modified City Plan 2030 accepting all recommendations.

At the meeting of Planning Committee on 19 June 2024 and full Council on 27 June 2024, the Council resolved to adopt the modified City Plan 2030.

The following documents comprise City Plan 2030 as modified, June 2024

The modifications to the plan are set out in the Table of Modifications to City Plan 2030.

The modified plan is also supported by the following updated documents:

A revised Housing Technical Note has also been prepared to aid clarity and transparency on the modifications to the plan following examination.

Notification to Ministers

Notification of the Council’s intention to adopt the plan as modified was sent to Scottish Ministers on 3 July 2024.

The plan can be formally adopted 28 days after notification, unless Scottish Ministers direct otherwise. Scottish Ministers may extend the period, direct the Council to consider modifications to the plan, direct the Council not to adopt the plan or approve the plan themselves.

The Scottish Government wrote to the Council on 30 July to extend the period for Scottish Ministers to consider the plan by 28 days. Scottish Government extension letter 30 July. On 27 August a further extension letter was received extending the period for consideration up to 11 September. Scottish Government extension letter 27 August.

Following the statutory notification period City Plan 2030 as modified, will be reported for formal adoption by full Council.

Proposed City Plan 2030 - November 2022

The plan was originally approved for examination by Planning Committee on Wednesday 30 November 2022:

Proposed Plan environmental report and associated background documents and Planning Committee full report pack November 22

The Scottish Government report of examination

The Scottish Government report of examination was published on 5 April 2024. This now concludes the examination and we are working through the adoption of the plan as modified process.

Check the reporters’ recommendations by issue on the DPEA website.

Development Plan Scheme

The Development Plan Scheme sets out how City Plan 2030 is progressing. It is currently in the final stages prior to formal adoption. An update Development Plan Scheme will be published later this year.

Draft Supplementary Guidance on Infrastructure and Development Contributions

View the draft Supplementary Guidance (PDF) approved for consultation by Planning Committee on 26 June 2024. Complete the consultation online until 17 Sept 2024.

Keep up to date with the project

  • Subscribe to our blog
  • Follow us on Twitter at @planningedin
  • Join in the conversation by using the #cityplan2030 hashtag

View City Plan 2030

A paper copy of the modified City Plan 2030 and environmental report is also available to view at local libraries and a full set of documents are available to view in

City Chambers reception
249-253 High Street
EH1 1YJ.

The City Chambers is open Monday to Thursday between 9am and 5pm and Friday between 9am and 3pm.