Transforming the Granton Gasholder

Image credit: Fabio Scalici Photography
The towering Granton Gasholder has long been an iconic fixture on Edinburgh’s waterfront for more than a century. As part of the purchase of the wider gasworks site in 2018, the Council acquired the gasholder and committed to keep and restore it as a central feature of the ambitious regeneration of Granton Waterfront.
Successful bid to the Levelling Up Fund
In October 2021, the Council was successful in a bid for £16.4 million from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to restore the Gasholder (download the bid documents). We've appointed a contractor for a two-stage design and build contract to
- restore the frame of the gasholder
- created public space around the area.
We will deliver this project by Spring 2025. This will act as a placemaking catalyst for the wider regeneration of Granton Waterfront. It will bring forward more public and private sector investment to deliver a new sustainable coastal town for Edinburgh and the region.
Public Art Design Submission - Expression of Interest
We are currently inviting Edinburgh-based artists/creative practitioners/arts organisations to develop ideas for a new permanent artwork for this unique and iconic site.
Up to six artists will be commissioned to develop a range of designs for a permanently sited bespoke artwork to sit within a designated area of the Granton Gasholder Park. The design will draw on themes connected to Granton, either exploring: elements of the area’s industrial or maritime history; the natural environment, or; the vision for the area’s connected and sustainable future.