20mph consultation, research and monitoring

In March 2018, Edinburgh became Scotland's first city to implement a citywide network of streets with a 20mph limit. 

Research shows that limiting speeds to 20mph in busy streets has numerous benefits including

  • reducing deaths and casualties
  • encouraging walking and cycling
  • creating a calmer, more pleasant environment

We have carried out two public consultations and extensive research on 20mph speed limits.


  • Public consultation to extend 20mph speed limits 2023
  • Evaluation of 20mph speed limits three years after completion 2022
  • Evaulation of 20mph speed limits one year after completion 2019
  • Final phase of 20mph rollout goes live March 2018
  • Start of 20mph rollout July 2015
  • Public consultation on 20mph speed limits 2014
  • Edinburgh People's Survey 2012
  • South Edinburgh pilot project 2012-13

Download consultation and research documents on 20mph (PDFs)