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Crimes of Leithers Past Revealed in 19th Century Document

Front cover of Crimes and Offences booklet from 1897.

Find out more about the 'Booklet of Crimes and Offences.'

Discovered a time capsule in the base of the Robert Burns statue on Constitution Street, the ‘Booklet of Crimes and Offences’ from the Burgh of Leith has been opened to reveal its contents.

The booklet, which was sealed in the statue when it was built in 1898, contains a list of crimes and offences carried out by Leith locals in 1897.

Printed by William Nimmo and Co. of Leith with the neighbourhood motto ‘persevere’ marked on the front of the document, the booklet is a fascinating insight into the past.

Showing nearly 3000 crimes, the booklet highlights the offences of the time and the punishments given to the offenders. From 111 reports of ‘Malicious Mischief’ to 325 instances of ‘Drunk in Charge of a Horse’ the list gives a full overview of what the local police station would have dealt with at the end of the 19th century.

Images of the full content of the time capsule will be available on our website soon.

Published: 2nd July 2021