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Getting Ready for the New Public Realm: London Road Pillar Clock

Restorations are well underway on the London Road Pillar Clock which is set to be reinstated to the Elm Row area later this year.

The London Road Pillar Clock is coming back to life! Removed back in 2007, this much-loved landmark has been taken to a specialist clockmaker Smith of Derby for refurbishment. 

Since being picked up last year, the team in Derby have been busy! Repairs were needed to the base of the clock, welding the sections together.

Base of London Road Pillar Clock welded together.

Following these repairs, the rest of the clock was abraded back to bare metal by bead blasting. This removed any rust and helped to prepare the surface for priming with a topcoat applied later in the process. 

Parts of London Road Clock primed.

A new aluminium deer and repairs to the Coat of Arms of Edinburgh, which sits right at the top of the clock, have also begun. 

Edinburgh Coat of Arms which usually sits on top of London Road Pillar Clock.

The clock will be reinstated into the new public realm later this year.

Published: 12th February 2021