CCWEL Project Update - December 2023

Welcome to the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL) newsletter with information and updates on project activity and planned work.

Murrayfield and Roseburn

Planters, benches, cycle parking and a bin enclosure are now in place at the Old Colt Bridge and Murrayfield Avenue area. The planters will be maintained by a local resident who kindly looked after the previous planters.  We really appreciate the support.

We carried out remedial work on the roads and pavements around the Roseburn Terrace junction in November. This included a new crossing island on Roseburn Street with lining being added early next year. We will be carrying out monitoring of the new junction early in the new year.

Remedial work on the raised slabs at Wester Coates Road is planned to start from 8 January

Magdala Crescent and Haymarket Terrace junction

We are reconstructing the junction of Magdala Crescent and Haymarket Terrace and introducing a cycle and pedestrian zebra crossing. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen pipework, it took longer than expected for Scottish Water to complete their work before the roadworks reconstruction could begin. As a result, we will need to work one week after the festive break to finish off here.

Magdala Crescent will reopen on 22 December for two weeks over the festive break with a temporary road surface but, as per the new arrangements for the CCWEL, it will be one way in from Haymarket Terrace. It will then close again on 8 January at 6am to 12 January at 3pm so we can complete the final kerbing, surfacing and line marking. We expect to finish the work by 12 January 2024.

Taxi call forward system – Haymarket Station

We are installing a taxi call forward system at Haymarket Station, to help the movement of taxis to outside Haymarket Station from Morrison Street when the new Station taxi rank comes into operation early in the new year. Most of the work is paving/island alterations and electrical installation. For safety reasons, this has to be done at night while the trams are not running.

In the meantime, the taxi rank in front of Haymarket Station will remain closed but taxis can use the area to drop people off at the Station. The Morrison Street taxi rank is now in use and the existing Dalry Road taxi rank can also be used.

Haymarket Terrace

 On 3 November, we opened Haymarket Terrace to two-way traffic once we had finished resurfacing and construction work.

Kerbing and surfacing of the segregated cycle path on Haymarket Terrace has progressed and we will do the pavement slabbing on nightshift, early next year.

We will send out more information to local residents and businesses in advance of work starting.  

We have also been working on the installation of the traffic islands around Haymarket and preparatory works for the installation of the taxi call forward system.

George Street to Picardy Place

We have almost finished work on this section of the project, which is now providing a useful link to the new cycle infrastructure at Picardy Place.

We just have some remedial cycleway and pavement work to do in January but this will be finished before the full CCWEL route is completed in February.

Randolph Place, Randolph Lane and Charlotte Lane

We have finished the resurfacing of the cobbles on Charlotte Lane, allowing the road to be reopened. Line marking works have also been completed in the area.  There is a bit of work we need to do to fix a few drainage issues on Randolph Place, but we are aiming to finish this work by the festive break.



Published: 22nd December 2023