
Professional membership and registration

Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme

The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) membership scheme requires those who work, paid or unpaid, with vulnerable people to be registered. All new starts and existing employees must be PVG Scheme members if they undertake regulated work with children and/or protected adults. However, simply having contact with children and/or protected adults doesn't make a post eligible for a PVG check. 

Definition of 'regulated work'

Regulated work is defined by the:

  • activities carried out,
  • establishments in which the work is done,
  • position held,
  • people for whom the worker has supervisory or management responsibility.

Also, an activity or work has to be part of normal duties and not incidental.

Posts that require a PVG check

All posts across the Council have been assessed by senior managers and each area has a list of posts which are eligible for a PVG check. A PVG check must be carried out before a new employee can start in a post that's regulated work.

At your interview, the recruiting manager will have indicated what type of check (if any) is required and given you the relevant form. However, if you need further forms or guidance, please go to the Apply for a PVG information pages on the website.